Wildcats in the Zone "Red, Wildcat and Blue" Fall Fundraiser


Oct 31 - Nov 11 - Fundraiser Open - SEND THOSE DONATIONS

Nov 11 - Fall Fun Run Event day - LAST DAY TO SEND DONATIONS

  • *Recess equipment purchased for every grade level
  • *CPES supplies purchased
  • *Classroom libraries purchased for EVERY grade and EVERY class - English and Spanish 
  • *Set of 6 swings for the 1st and 2nd grade playground purchased (WILL BE INSTALLED IN SPRING 2023)
  • *Therapeutic swing purchased (WILL BE INSTALLED IN SPRING 2023)
  • *2 Tetherballs for 3rd and 4th grade playground purchased (WILL BE INSTALLED IN SPRING 2023)
  • *Pebble Go membership renewal
  • *Educational Adventures for each grade level 
  • *Christmas and Valentine's classroom parties 
  • *Family events like Breakfast with Santa and Family Movie Night
  • *Hospitality support for staff birthday celebrations, teacher appreciation week and more


Thank you to all of our sponsors

for making our Spring Festival a huge success! 

Wildcats in the Zone "Red, Wildcat and Blue" Fall Fundraiser

2024 Canyon Pointe Spring Festival

Thank you to all of those individuals and businesses that donated their time and money.

We greatly appreciate your support as we fundraise for technology support,

library beautification, and playground enhancements! 

We raised $8812.60! 

You all are amazing!

We raised a total of $31,058 all thanks to each and every one of you who donated. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!

The money raised will go towards the following as funds permit:

  • Remaining school year’s activities - including Breakfast with Santa, classroom parties, Breakfast with my Sweetheart, Educational adventures, school clubs, and so much more!
  • ​​Hospitality support for staff birthday celebrations, teacher appreciation week and more
  • Library enhancements (reading nook, wall mural, comfy chairs and more)
  • Walkie Talkies
  • Courtyard benches and shade cover
  • Playground balls for all grades
  • 3rd-4th grade playground basketball goal with concrete slab​